Terms And Conditions Governing Usage Of Marathaonline.Com

Terms And Conditions Governing Usage Of Marathaonline.Com

Welcome to www.Marathaonline.com !!

The leading Matrimonial Services Provider for 96 Kuli Maratha Community. In order to use Marathaonline.com Site, you must register as a member of the Site. If you wish to become a Member and communicate with other Members and make use of the Marathaonline.com, read following Terms & Conditions of Use and follow the instructions in the Registration process. This Agreement sets out the legally binding terms for your membership. This Agreement may be modified by Marathaonline.com from time to time.

Role of Marathaonline.com

1. Members availing services from Marathaonline.com shall be deemed to have read, understood and expressly accept and agreed to the terms and conditions.
2. This agreement shall govern the relationship between member and www.Marathaonline.com and all transactions or services by, with or in connection with www.Marathaonline.com for all purposes.
On signing up registration with www.Marathaonline.com, member consciously accept the terms and conditions.
3. Besides the provision of services, www.Marathaonline.com acts as a platform for all its members to interchange information that would promote their common
4. matrimonial objectives. It is to be distinctly understood that www.Marathaonline.com will only provide contact between and among members withhin its service framework.
5. Marathaonline.com is not the agent of any member and does not partake in the interchange or the results thereof.
6. Members profiles may be crawled and indexed by search engines, where Marathaonline.com does not have any control over the search engines behaviour and Marathaonline.com shall not be responsible for such activities of other search engines.
7. Our Membership is only for personal use. It is not to be assigned, transferred or licensed so as to be used by any other person/entity.
8. Messages sent to members of the opposite gender should be only for the purpose of finding a life partner. Members are not allowed to misuse the service in the name of "Dating", "Flirting", "Friendship" etc.
9. All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, softwares is the property of www.Marathaonline.com
10. Aadhar Card Number we use for Birth date and profile verification purpose only. We do not share with anyone.

General Rules

1. The minimum age for registering with Marathaonline.com, is 18 years for women and 21 years for men.
2. Registration Fees once paid is not refundable under any circumstances.
3. Each member has to give true & detail information while filling registration form.
4. Once the member pays fees for registration, profile will be online within 48 hrs.
5. Member will receive one email once profile is online. It is member's responsibility to check online data. If any changes, member can inform at Marathaonline.com@gmail.com
6. Email ID and mobile No. is Mandetory for online registration.
7. Members will receive requested information on registered email ID only.
8. Member will get 100 credit points in one year time OR till candidate reach 100 credit points. That means Bride can view 100 contact details Groom OR Groom can view 100 contact details of Bride.
9. Member is responsible for the content and information (including profile & photograph) transmit through Marathaonline.com's services.
10. Marathaonline.com reserves the right to edit/delete your photograph if it's not a valid/clear/related one.
11. After your marriage is fixed, member should inform at Marathaonline@gmail.com. Once we receive email, member's profile will be removed from website within 48 hrs.
12. If you choose to terminate your membership, the membership fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
13. We validate only the profile details of the member. Character verification is to be done by interested parties themselves.
14. Multiple profiles of the same person are not allowed on http://www.marathaonline.com. We reserve the right to deactivate any suspicious profile without any refund of subscription fees.
15. Please send suggestions, complaints Marathaonline.com@gmail.com
16. Fees for the Membership is Rs. 1000 yearly.
17. Renewal fees for membership will be Rs. 1000 only.

How to Pay Registration Fees ?

Member can pay to any of the following account.

  • 1. Pay by scanning QR code.

  • 2.State Bank of India
    A/C Name : kadegaon taluka (Dist:Sangli) seva sangh, Mumbai
    A/C no. - 32916324713
    Branch - Mulund
    Branch Code - 015149

  • 3.You can handover in cash at Mulund branch.

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